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    Prologue: Advancements in Immuno-Oncology : mAbs to Novel Modalities
    Location: Online Only
    Prologue Speaker: Ankit D. Kanthe, PhD – Bristol Myers Squibb
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
    Prologue: AI/ML in Drug Manufacturing: Use Cases and Areas of Consideration
    Location: Online Only
    Prologue Speaker: Thomas O'Connor, PhD (he/him/his) – US Food and Drug Administration
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
    Prologue: Opportunities and Challenges for Lipid-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Biopharmaceuticals
    Location: Online Only
    Prologue Speaker: Rajiv Nayar, PhD – HTD Biosystems Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    9:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Symposium: Preformulation and Formulation Approaches for Biologics and New Modalities
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Moderator: Haichen Nie, PhD – Teva Pharmaceuticals
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    9:30 AM – 10:00 AM PT
    Novel Approaches to Cancer Immunotherapy: a Strategic Overview
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Steffen Nock, PhD (he/him/his) – Teva Pharmaceuticals
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT
    High-Throughput Screening and Structural Characterization for Oligonucleotide LNP
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Chunwan Yen, PhD (she/her/hers) – Genentech, Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Structure-Function Relationships in Lyophilized Biologics for Stability Prediction
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Eric J. Munson, PhD, FAAPS – Purdue University/Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Hot Topic: Particle Safety and Size Threshold for Particle Visibility Revisited
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Moderator: Nazila Miller, PhD (she/her/hers) – Takeda
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:00 AM – 10:20 AM PT
    Reassessing Size Threshold and Other Particle Characteristics that Define Particle Visibility
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Miguel Saggu, PhD (he/him/his) – Genentech
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:20 AM – 10:40 AM PT
    Silicone Oil Particles in Protein Drug Product – Are These a Significant Immunogenicity Risk Factor?
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Kimya Nourbakhsh, PhD (she/her/hers) – Amgen
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    10:40 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Panel Discussion
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Miguel Saggu, PhD (he/him/his) – Genentech
    Hot Topic Speaker: Tapan K. Das, PhD, FAAPS – Spyre Therapeutics
    Hot Topic Speaker: Kimya Nourbakhsh, PhD (she/her/hers) – Amgen
    Hot Topic Moderator: Nazila Miller, PhD (she/her/hers) – Takeda
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT
    Special Poster Collection
    Location: Grand Ballroom AB, Poster Forum 1
    Poster Collection Host: Amanda L. Hays, PhD – BioAgilytix
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT
    Keynote: Crafting Complex Biologics: A Fusion of Art and Science?
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Keynote Speaker: Yongchao Su, PhD – Merck & Co, Inc.
    Moderator: Elizabeth Thoryk – Merck & Co., Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    2:30 PM – 3:15 PM PT
    Formulation Development of sa-RNA Lipid Nanoparticles and Adjuvants for Regulating Immune Response
    Location: Learning Lab, Grand Ballroom AB
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Adam R. Nasar (he/him/his) – Labcorp
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PT
    Rapid Fire: Preformulation and Formulation Approaches for Biologics and New Modalities
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Moderator: Scott Rudge, PhD (he/him/his) – SynerG Biopharma Group
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    2:30 PM – 2:45 PM PT
    Atomic Level Characterization of Excipient Interactions with Monoclonal Antibodies
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Anupreet Kaur (she/her/hers) – Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology & University of Maryland
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    2:45 PM – 3:00 PM PT
    Using Artificial Extracellular Matrices in Injectable Formulation Development
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Conor Gomes, Ph.D. (he/him/his) – Pion Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    3:00 PM – 3:15 PM PT
    Beyond mRNA and Lipid Nanoparticles: Formulation and Process Innovations
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Rob Delong, PhD (he/him/his) – Landmark Bio
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Tuesday, May 14th
    3:15 PM – 3:30 PM PT
    Cell Therapy CMC Case Studies
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Stacy Plum, PhD – Syner-G Biopharma Group
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    9:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Symposium: Drug Delivery for New Modalities and Therapies
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Moderator: Asmita Khanolkar, MS – SMC Ltd.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    9:30 AM – 10:00 AM PT
    Enabling Lipid Chemistry & Nanoparticle Surface Modification for Cytosolic Delivery
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Xiuling Lu, Ph.D., FAAPS (she/her/hers) – University of Connecticut
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT
    Auto-Mode Biomimicry: A Versatile Theranostic Model for Efficient Tumor Targeting
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Imran Tariq, PhD – University of the Punjab
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Novel Engineering and Formulation Based Approaches for Delivery of CART to Solid Tumors
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Robert Dodge, PhD – Consultant
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    10:15 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    The Impact of Polysorbate Quality/Grade on Biopharmaceutical Formulations
    Location: Learning Lab, Grand Ballroom AB
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Sreejit Menon, PhD – Croda, Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    11:15 AM – 12:00 PM PT
    Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase Facilitated Subcutaneous Drug Delivery Using a 10mL High-Volume Auto-Injector
    Location: Learning Lab, Grand Ballroom AB
    Partner Presentation Speaker: David W. Kang – Halozyme Therapeutics Inc
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Michael Travanty – Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT
    Keynote: In vivo Delivery of mRNAs for Anti-Aging Applications: Potential and Challenges
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Keynote Speaker: Vittorio Sebastiano, PhD (he/him/his) – Stanford University and Turn Biotechnologies
    Moderator: Nitesh Kunda, PhD – St. John's University
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    1:15 PM – 3:00 PM PT
    PCR Assay Recommendations for Cell and Gene Therapies: Insights from an Industry Panel
    Location: Learning Lab, Grand Ballroom AB
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Amanda L. Hays, PhD – BioAgilytix
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Mark C. Wissel, PhD – Eurofins Viracor BioPharma
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Kelly S. Colletti, PhD, MBA (she/her/hers) – Beam Therapeutics
    Partner Presentation Speaker: Russell K. Soon, Jr. (he/him/his) – BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Moderator: Tina S. Morris, PhD – AAPS
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PT
    Rapid Fire: Drug Delivery for New Modalities and Therapies
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Moderator: Karthik Nagapudi, PhD – Genentech, Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    2:30 PM – 2:45 PM PT
    Dry Powders for the Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals to the Nose
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Irene Rossi, PhD – Harro Höfliger
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    2:30 PM – 3:30 PM PT
    Hot Topic: Prior Knowledge Integration in Product Development
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Parag Kolhe, PhD – Pfizer Inc.
    Hot Topic Moderator: Ping Ji, PhD – US Food and Drug Administration
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    2:45 PM – 3:00 PM PT
    Development of an Inhalable and Temperature-Stable COVID-19 Liposomal Vaccine
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Apoorva Daram (she/her/hers) – St. Johns University
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    3:00 PM – 3:15 PM PT
    What Does “Biorelevant” Mean for Oral Peptides?
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Tahnee J. Dening, PhD (she/her/hers) – Genentech, Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Wednesday, May 15th
    3:15 PM – 3:30 PM PT
    Molecular Investigation on Permeation-Enhancer Assisted Oral Peptide Delivery in Lipid-Bilayers
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Jing Ling, PhD – Merck
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    9:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Symposium: AI/ML in Drug Discovery and Development
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Moderator: Maxwell Korang-Yeboah, PhD – FDA/CDER/OPQ/OPQR
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    9:30 AM – 10:00 AM PT
    ML Enhanced DLS for Rapid Characterization of mAb Aggregation
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Anurag S. Rathore, Ph.D. – Indian Insitute of Technology Delhi
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:00 AM – 10:30 AM PT
    Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Classifying Free-Fatty Acid Particles in Biopharmaceuticals
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Speaker: Filip M. Fedorowicz, MS (he/him/his) – Clear Solutions Laboratories AG
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:30 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Assessing Immunogenicity Risk of Biologics: Prediction Tools, and Case Studies
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Hot Topic: Advances in in-vivo Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Delivery: Ushering New Era
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Moderator: Sandeep Nema, PhD (he/him/his) – Saliogen Therapeutics
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:00 AM – 10:20 AM PT
    Machine Learning-Guided Design of Polymer Nanoparticles for In Vivo Gene Therapies
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Shashi Murthy, PhD – Nanite Inc.
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:20 AM – 10:40 AM PT
    The Quest for Next Generation Lipid Nanoparticles for Cell-Specific Delivery of mRNA
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Speaker: Gaurav Sahay, PhD – Oregon State University
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    10:40 AM – 11:00 AM PT
    Panel Discussion
    Location: Yosemite A
    Hot Topic Moderator: Sandeep Nema, PhD (he/him/his) – Saliogen Therapeutics
    Hot Topic Speaker: Shashi Murthy, PhD – Nanite Inc.
    Hot Topic Speaker: Gaurav Sahay, PhD – Oregon State University
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    12:30 PM – 1:30 PM PT
    Keynote: Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery (AIDD)-Are We There Yet? How AI is Transforming the Drug Discovery Process
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Keynote Speaker: Simon Wang, PhD (he/him/his) – Howard University
    Moderator: Mitra Mosharraf, M Pharm, PhD, MBA – HTD Biosystems
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    2:00 PM – 2:45 PM PT
    Rapid Fire: AI/ML in Drug Discovery and Development
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Moderator: Swati Gupta, PhD (she/her/hers) – AbbVie
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    2:00 PM – 2:15 PM PT
    Data Quality and Data Integrity Considerations for Applying AI/ML as Part of Process/Product Development
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Bikash Chatterjee (he/him/his) – Pharmatech Associates
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    2:15 PM – 2:30 PM PT
    Optimizing for Failure - Survivorship Bias in AI
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Andrew O'Connor, BSc (Hons) – ERA Sciences
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities
  • Thursday, May 16th
    2:30 PM – 2:45 PM PT
    Mechanistic Insight into the Physical Stability of Oligonucleotides
    Location: Yosemite BC
    Rapid Fire Speaker: Maxwell Korang-Yeboah, PhD – FDA/CDER/OPQ/OPQR
    Advances in Discovery, Formulation, and Delivery of New Modalities